Here’s an example: One of the shifts from computers as geek tools to computers as “the rest of us” tools/toys has to do with designing computers that are more sociable. Take the notebook. Sure, we can bring it with us. But as soon as we set it up, it puts a big screen between us and those sitting across from us. In coffee shops, notebookers sit alone and not always by choice. The notebook says “I’m here to work or at least look like I’m working while I websurf. Don’t sit down.” No longer: see how the cool case with the iPad folds so that it can sit on a table and allow for a flow of conversation? Nicely done.
Of course, there is the problem, insinuated here, that some notebookers will begin yakking about Star Trek when you do sit down. Apple hasn’t yet found a content provider for our downloading bits of chat relevant to the interests of the person across from us. Maybe some day. At least now you can see what interests them. If upside down.
SOURCE: Apple Inc.